October 27, 2011 in the evening. The breakfast table is ready for Ron and Fran Hyde to rise at 4:30am to begin their twice weekly weightlifting routine. Ron, my father, turned 86 during the time when these images were taken. My mother, Fran, is 82 (almost 83). They have shared this weightlifting/fitness routine for over 30 years.
Breakfast done: The Daily Read
October 28, 2011. My Dad stands in his bathroom carefully brushing his teeth and tongue. He allows me to photograph this intimate moment and I’m taken with the beauty of his body and the indisputable signs of aging.
October 28, 2011. It’s 5:58am and my Mom smiles at my Dad as he talks with the cashier at Canada Games Pool in New Westminster, B.C.. Each day, as they wait to enter at the opening of 6:00am, they enjoy their friendly chats with the cashier.
October 25, 2011. My Dad smiles at my Mom as she has just completed her 25 minute warm-up on the treadmill. My parents hurry up the stairs at 6:00am to the fitness centre to be sure to get a treadmill as it is very busy. They both complete 25 minutes and then move onto exercise bikes for another 25 minutes of cardio.
October 25, 2011. My Dad grips the free weights. He is wearing the watch my Mom gave him when he turned 40 years old. He rarely takes it off.
October, 25, 2011. My Dad lifts free weights as other patrons move about their workouts. He knows the weights are small but subscribes to the thinking that as you get older, you do what you can.
October 25, 2011. My Dad raises his free weights above his head. He is quick to say that the worst thing you can do when you get older is stop.
October 18, 2011. My Mom focuses on pulling a weight.
October 25, 2011. My Mom wears the ring Dad gave her nearly 60 years ago when they married. She pauses during her sit-ups leaving her hands clasped behind her head.
October 18, 2011. My Dad pauses before resuming squeezing the weights together with his legs.
October 25, 2011. My Mom stops to visit with another weightroom patron regular. She is quick to smile and laugh with those whom she speaks.
October 18, 2011. My Dad pulls weights.
November 8, 2011. My Mom had finished her 25 minutes of swimming and a relaxation time in the jacuzzi. As she walked toward the change room, a young competitive swimmer of about 18 years was also heading in the same direction. The similarities of their bodies struck me and when I showed my Mom the image later, it rendered her speechless.
November 8, 2011. My Dad is telling my Mom something and it amuses them greatly. He throws back his head in a big, hearty laugh.
November 8, 2011. After their workout, my parents visit the coffee shop in the centre of the Royal City Centre Mall in New Westminster. They sit, with runners still on, in quiet comfort with one another, reading a small local paper. They enjoy a coffee and a biscotti biscuit. The routine is complete.